The Story That Changed My Life

My host mom told me a surprising story during my study abroad in Spain. We were talking about the differences between the U.S. and Spain. Spaniards live, in many ways, simpler than those in the U.S. Their houses are smaller and are often tiny apartments. They take quick showers and unplug devices instead of leaving them in the outlets. They also tend to walk everywhere instead of taking a car. 

My host mom told me about an eighteen-year-old boy whom she hosted during the summer for a month. She’s hosted many students before me, but she said that this boy is the one who cried the most. She also told me that he was extremely wealthy. He grew up in a huge, fancy house, the kind with multiple living rooms and hidden trash cans. He had three people in his family but five cars. Despite having what most kids dream of and more; he was never very happy. When he came to Spain for a month he couldn’t stop crying. He told my host mom that he never thought living with so much less would make him so much happier. 


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